Monday 12 September 2016

Basic Shaivistic Framework and Brief Overview of Our Journey

Having said so many sugary things about Gurudev Sri Swami Ram, it would be worthwhile to see the contemporary societal stage. The 19th to early 20th century Kashmir was basically filled with learned Kashmiri Brahmins. They were competent in most forms of Indian traditions, from Ayurveda to Karma-Kanda. But their underlying philosophy was still Shaivistic, as those of their ancestors from antiquity. From historical perspective, it must be noted that there were around 500-600 years of Buddhistic period1, that served an intellectual framework for re-surged Shaivistic philosophy. The philosophy of Shaivism before Buddhism was quite differently structured. The philosophy that sprang after waning of Buddhistic systems is the one that would be our main line of enquiry and illumination thereof. Because it was to this later period we see a recorded surge of intellectual authorities, on both Kashmiri Shaivism and Tantric systems. Though we would only skim through latter traditions, as that would be a separate field altogether and would require different methods of analysis. Our treatment of Tantric systems would be limited to our interests around basic principles  of Kashmiri Shaivism. The Tantric system or their texts would be picked only if they provide a different vantage to an ongoing discussion or provide better illumination.

Talking about contemporary Kashmir at the time of revival, from Gurudev Sri Swami Ram, we basically see a vibrant era of dynamic people, with high intellectual and spiritual capabilities. Kashmiri Shaivism isn’t a playground of intellectual jargon or dual, for academic pursuits or battle against any system per se, but the refinement of oneself through self-metamorphosis! The most commendable contribution of Kashmiri Shaivistic masters, is the way system handles the worldly attachment. Instead of taking them as a means of bondage, Kashmiri Shaivism makes this bondage a springboard to touch higher realm. Thus echoing the eternal words of Kashmiri Shaivistic masters, “All relationships are real”! And that everything is related to each other and is interdependent, owing to same underlying principle! So before we proceed further with our analysis, we need to establish a relationship, the relationship between the writer of this blog and the reader. Without this relationship, nothing can be known or transferred. Otherwise, in absence of any relationship, it would become quite superficial or another academic pursuit, which would not be life changing in any way. It must be said beforehand, the forthcoming articles propound system in a non-linear way, diverging from many of the contemporary masters or books. In addition, core principles would be re-emphasized as we go along, as they provide a unique perspective for better understating of the system. Though before we embark the details of the proper system, I would have to briefly touch upon few lineages and disciples of Gurudev Sri Swami Ram. As that would provide us with a background and way system was handled originally. Additionally, it would also provide a view on the way Ashram worked on a daily basis, including intensive Kashmiri Shaivistic studies and brainstorming thereof.

Please drop in any comments or any queries, I would be happy to provide details or explanations within my capacity. Pranamam!

1. For further details of Buddhism in Kashmir, please see:-
  •  Buddhism in Kashmir and Ladakh, Ganhar et. al. Tribune Press, New Delhi, 1956.
  • Buddhist Savants of Kashmir-Their Contributions AbroadAdvaitavadini Kaul, Utpal Publications,Srinagar,1987

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