Sunday 2 October 2016

Key Disciples of Gurudev Sri Swami Ram

(Gurudev Sri Swami Ram with few disciples and devotees)

Touching briefly on the lineages is important, as that sets the tone and plausibility of contemporary society at that time. As has been emphasized in past articles, there were hundreds of householder disciples of Gurudev Shri Swami Ram. Among other things, Kashmir Shaivism doesn’t teach “Sanyaas” or Renunciation as a way to know the absolute (like Vedanta etc.). Instead, it encourages humans to take responsibility for regular chores of life and its struggles, including householder’s life.  Having said that, we won’t invest our time in pinning down all major disciples, as that would increase the length of article—besides would be futile. Remember, one of the basic tenets of Kashmiri Shaivistic study is to know its underlying principles, the people or central figures are there to impart the teaching. Even though many of these householder disciples were very close to Gurudev Shri Swami Ram, we would only mention the ones that carried the lineages. These were ones closest to Gurudev Shri Swami Ram and had a great impact on imparting the core of teachings, until exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Valley.  It must be said that these disciples were three in numbers, thus echoing the “Trika” or Triple nature of Kashmiri Shaivism. We will touch on “Trika” principle in later articles because the understanding of “Trika” is incumbent for Kashmiri Shaivism.

As already suggested, there were three main disciples of Gurudev Shri Swami Ram. The classification of these disciples has been done as “Kriya” (Absolute Action), “Gyaan” (Absolute Knowledge) and “Iccha” (Absolute Will). The classification is the outcome of my understanding of their lives and incidents, preserved as anecdotes, from many other disciples. These are attributes of highest reality, among few others, are the cornerstone of Kashmiri Shaivism.

(Swami Mehtab Kak Ji)

The first being Swami Mehtab Kak. He was a landlord from a remote area of Kashmir, who once made contact with Gurudev Shri Swami Ram, never returned back! He was the closest disciple of Gurudev Shri Swami Ram, as he not only lived with the great master but had the responsibility for daily chores in Ashram. He is one of the longest serving disciples and was the constant companion of reverend sage. Though not that well-read, he knew all the basic scriptures of Kashmiri Shaivism, including its essence. Among many of his disciples, Shaivacharya Swami Lakshman Joo (Raina) was most famous. From Kashmiri Shaivistic point of view, he encompassed “Kriya” element or Active disciple of the great sage. 

(Swami Govind Koul Jalali Ji)

The second being Swami Govind Koul Jalali. He was a householder disciple of Gurudev Shri Swami Ram and for his livelihood was working as in-charge in one of the HH Maharaja’s department. His work allowed him to show up at the Ashram during mid-day, a post which he would leave Ashram at late evening only. He was the disciple who used to take regular classes (daily), after Gurudev Shri Swami Ram’s “Maha-Samadhi” (in 1915). All the new creed of scholars, from K C Pandey to Jaidev Singh, owe him a lot for their luminary works, one way or other. It is said that he knew all Shaivistic literature by heart (including footnotes) and never opened a book in his lifetime for any textual study or reference. Many disciples learned secrets of Kashmiri Shaivism under his guidance, from Mahatma Tarachand to Mahatma Kashi Nath Ji (who started Jammu Ashram, post migration), including Dr. T. N. Ganjoo (being one of the last). Swami Govind Koul Ji being “Gyana” element or Knowledge disciple of the great sage.

(Swami Vidhyadhar Ji)

The third and final being Swami Vidhyadhar Ji. He was a scholar par excellent, even before meeting Gurudev Shri Swami Ram. He was introduced to Gurudev Shri Swami Ram by his elder brother, who wanted him to study Shiva Sutras during his holidays—post examination! Folklore tells us that Gurudev Shri Swami Ram and Swami Vidhyadhar Ji finished the whole of Shiva Sutras in just three days! Further, he was the one who had “Shaktipat” or Energy Transmission from Gurudev Shri Swami Ram and became an “Iccha-Putra” or God-Willed son. He was asked by Gurudev Shri Swami Ram to carry out a tremendous amount of social reforms, which he did throughout his life until finally coming back to Srinagar. A separate volume is required to outline his spiritual endeavors, but he was by far one of the most known saints of Kashmir and a well-read saint-cum-scholar of Kashmir Shaivism. He was “Iccha” or Will disciple of the great sage.